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From the Few: An Interactive Program to Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude

Original price was: RM65.00.Current price is: RM61.75.

From the Few is an interactive 30-day program designed to help you cultivate an attitude of gratitude. This journal is meant to inspire you and unlock the potential of changing the way you interact with the world. It offers a framework for practicing the power gratitude each day, enabling you to become one of the few special servants of Allah.

Life doesn’t always go the way we want. It has its ups and downs and many times we are tested, as this life is truly a test. Some days we struggle to see the positive and, instead, are mentally conditioned to focus on the few negatives. From the Few was created to help you see the good in every situation. Let’s embark on this transformational journey together.

Author:Dunia Shuaib
Size:5″ x 7″
Length:240 pages

Availability: In stock

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